Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Zaharov N.S. 1 Tekutyev L.A. 1
1 Tyumen state oil and gas university
In the contemporary world, with the active development of market relations one of the main tasks assigned to companies manufacturers (goods and services), is to attract and retain customers, with minimum funds spent. One of the most effective measures to increase the ultimate profit is to increase repeat sales to both customers: existing and new. The article discusses the concept of the index of customer loyalty as a means to improve the profitability of the enterprise. Describes the department dealing with the analysis of the index of customer loyalty, development, control, and obtain feedback from measures to improve customer loyalty and the adjustment of both internal and external processes of the company. Showed financial result of the activities of the department to work with clients in the automotive business of the city of Tyumen.