Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Platonova M.A. 1 Platonov A.A. 1
1 Moscow State University of Railway Engineering
The necessity of the safety of railway transportation through the introduction of modern and advanced means of transport current maintenance of railway track. Is the definition of vehicles in the combined speed and identified a variety of domestic and foreign companies engaged in the production of innovative wheeled vehicle on a combined speed. The examples of existing outlook vehicles combined (road and rail) speed, access to many types of works on current maintenance and repair of railway. Established advantages and disadvantages of wheeled vehicles on the speed combined, manufactured by Doosan Infracore, Liebherr, Huddig and Geismar, shows their brief technical and operational characteristics (including, power and energy characteristics of motors), the equipment and the assignment. The conclusion about the feasibility of such a direction of railway equipment.