Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Belova S.A. 1
1 Permsky National Research Polytechnic University
One way to modify the surface of parts and tools is laser alloying, which allows for complex saturation of the various components of the surface, which is impossible with any other traditional method of surface hardening. This forms the structure, unique among known materials not. A method of hardening carbon steel by alloying the surface of the slip plasters simultaneously chromium, boron, and carbon with a laser radiation. It is shown that the laser can be greatly improved by doping the hardness and wear s urfaces which are not reduced at high temperature. It is shown that the properties of the surface layers are not inferior to those of high-speed steels, working in difficult conditions. It is therefore proposed to use the instrument for manufacturing cheap carbon steel alloy surface using the laser radiation.