Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Vinokurov V.R. 1
1 Laboratory Enrichment IGDS SB RAS behalf N.V. Cherskogo
Studies of this work relate to processes of grinding minerals. By the efficiency of destruction and possible disclosing useful components, is most effective, the destruction of rock impact. Lack of efficiency of the existing drum kits is that they are based on one- and two-act mechanism of dynamic effects on breakable pieces of rock. When modeling processes consistent failure of geomaterials lump in the laboratory centrifugal mill speed serial mnogoaktnogo dynamic effects sharpen the formula for calculating the speed of collision of particles with destructible counter-rotating working bodies. The practical significance of the results is the ability to calculate speeds degradable particles in the chamber of the mill speed for different parameters of working bodies, which is important for the development of methodology to determine the rational parameters of centrifugal mills multiple percussion.