Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Diveev A.I. 1 Shmalko E.Y. 1
1 Institution of Russian Academy of Science Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of RAS
The problem of the synthesis of a control system for a group of robots is considered. The mathematical formulation of the problem is given. We have to find a multidimensional function that uses the current state of all objects to calculate the control values that allow each robot to achieve the objectives with the best quality functional value. We consider a robotic team as one object with extended vectors of state and control. This means that each object in the team have a full range of information about the other members of the team. Such approach as well as other methods of multi-object control can be promising as far as technologies become more and more developed and the cost of materials for its production becomes low. A network operator method is used to solve the problem. The main scientific value and actuality of the presented paper concerns the formal description of the problem of control of the robotic team and as a result receiving a mathematical expression of control. An example of solving the problem of a control system synthesis for the group of two mobile robots is given.