Dubrovin A.S. 1
Gubin I.A. 2
1 Voronezh Institute of the Russian Federal Penitentiary Service
2 Voronezh State Pedagogical University
Offer a solution to the problem of the operational separation of access to information by the dealer at the initiation of a commercial secret (ICS). Allocated certain properties considered an automated information system trade organization. According to regulations, describes the regime of trade secrets and information that falls under this concept. Partially reveals the essence of the standard model secure automated system (SMSAS). Proposes the use of a resource manager, located on the eighth level SMSAS as architectural framework separation of classified information. Service integrity monitoring information (SIMI) proposed to consider not only as an element of organizational and technological management of automatedsystem, but also as an effective tool for controlling access to information resources. The publication is a diagram and a description of the functioning of the introduction SIMIICS. The result of this study is to model the effective use of resources SIMI to the task of separation of access privileges.