Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Elistratov V.V. 1 Bezrukov S.I. 1 Stenin P.G. 1 Klimakov V.S. 1
1 Small innovative enterprise «AGRONASS» at the Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education «Ryazan state agrotechnical University named P.A. Kostycheva»
In the article the concept of collision avoidance systems of vehicles on the major causes of drivers committing a large number of road accidents. Research has shown that the criteria for the operation of collision avoidance systems of vehicles is safety distance to the obstacle. Under the safety distance will be understood that the minimum distance to the obstacle movement (especially leading up to the car), above which in the case of the relative velocity should be started braking. Braking should be done with the slowdown that could be implemented at the speed of motion in real-life tire adhesion to the road surface, providing managed to stop the car without the danger of a collision with an obstacle. The article provides a comparative analysis of the main types of sensors that are applicable in the system. Lists the functions of the collision avoidance system. A problem is preventing mass deployment and the development of these systems in transport.