Zheltov P.V. 1
1 Chuvash State University
In article the Chuvash and Tatar case affixes are investigated in comparative aspect. Semantics of the use of a number of the Chuvash case affixes differs from semantics of the use of the Tatar affixes which are etymologically corresponding to them. The Chuvash and Tatar case affixes and the Russian case inflexion are considered, namely: Tatar affix of a direct-dative case, the Tatar affix of an initial case, the Tatar affix ДАгЫ, Chuvash affix of an ablative case, Chuvash affix of an instrumental case, the Chuvash affix of Ти, the Russian inflexion of a dative case, the Chuvash affix of a causal and target case, the Russian inflexion of a genitive case. Was noted a similar use in the Tatar language of the direct -dative with the use of the dative in Russian, which are opposed by functional use in these cases to the local case in the Chuvash, Turkish and other Turkic languages, including such an opportunity in Tatar. However, in the latter it is not very in use, replaced by a model of the direct-dative case, which is possible due to the influence of the Russian language.