Zotov A.V. 1
1 Federal Government-financed Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Vyatka State University»
Article is devoted to the definition of the relation of parameters in the mathematical description of the control object with extreme static characteristic and parameters of integral quality criterion (characterizing the consumption of resources) , at which the asymptotic stability of the control object at the extremum point. The problem is solved by finding a special control (with respect to the Pontryagin maximum principle) from the application of the conditions of general position for non-linear objects in the extended space coordinates. By using the qualitative theory of differential equations investigated the equilibrium state (singular points) of system of differential equations describing the control object . Recommendations are made on the choice of the integral quality criterion , at which the found special control is extreme, that is moves to control object under the influence of this special control in extremum point on the static characteristic.