Malykhina M.P. 1
Chastikova V.A. 1
Vlasov K.A. 1
1 Kuban State Technological University
The paper presentsthe results ofresearch on the efficiencyof traditionalsearch methodsandgenetic algorithmon the exampleof selected tasks-travelling salesman problem andthe problem of findingthe shortest pathin the graph.Some investigation,setting andoptimization of the parametersof the geneticalgorithm are held, such asinitialization ofthe initial population, crossover operator, mutation operator, the selection of the next generation, and others. A row of modifications of the genetic algorithm (with usage of a method of branches and boundaries, greedy algorithm and others) which allow to raise it efficiency several times are developed. For carrying out of the comparative analysis of overall performance of traditional methods of searching, the genetic algorithm also were more its than modifications the separate software module with possibility of adjustment of research algorithms, the analysis and visual representation of the receive results are created.