Mamaev I.M. 1
1 Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs
The clinical trials unit identified a number of shortcomings the removal of which, along with the required structural modernization, aimed at improving their quality parameters - weight and size, rigidity and accuracy, the problem of optimal design. For this purpose, a mathematical model of the mechatronic system unit, which is a model of its total functional parts: a mechanical hinge-rod system, stepper motor and microprocessor control system. The dynamic analysis showed that a decisive influence on its quality indicators have a rigidity of bone fragments due to the rigidity of the cartilaginous rings, hardness of interfaces rolls with nuts planetary roller screw, its efficiency to applicable, the average diameter of the thread bearing nut and weight screw unit with rollers. The results obtained allowed to choose the objective function and the acceptable range of the variable parameters, assign functional limitations and to formulate a mathematical optimization problem.