Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Melnikov A.P. 1 Chekardovskiy M.N. 1 Ilyukhin K.N. 1 Ilyin V.V. 1 Aleynikov D.N. 1
1 Tyumen State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
This paper presents a research of central heating in Tyumen city. Actual hydraulic control of central heating was taken as a basis for research, with regard to promising heat load and emergency state of central heating. As for example, it was taken a hydraulic calculation of online Tyumen heating model, which was done with the help of software ZuluThermo. Also, there is guidance for increasing energy efficiency of central heating in the area of Tyumen CHP-2 in this paper. This guidance is about pipeline relaying, which will help to change actual hydraulic control for ramp-up.Thereby the redundancy of supplied heat to consumer will become possible. A consumer would set up the amount of heat which he needs and if he follows the guidance, the remaining heat would be directed to future of city development.