Moiseeva O.G. 1
Pugin K.G. 1
Vaisman Y.I. 1
Zomarev A.M. 2
1 Perm national research polytechnic university
2 Federal service for supervision of consumer rights protection and human welfare in the Perm region
In this paper the sanitary-epidemiological risk of municipal solid waste landfill and the importance of waste stowage by layers with the inert material are described. There were made a research proving the usage of the special material MP-1 as one of the layers on municipal solid waste polygon. This material is made from slug formed during ferrovanadium production. It is shown by the experiment that this material (MP-1) can be used as one of the layers on municipal solid waste landfill. It is also proved that this slug has a bactericidal properties to Escherichia coli. So, this material can be used as a material for intermediate suction compacted layer of solid waste. This research let us to expand the range of ferrous metallurgy solid waste application and reduce the negative influence of industrial waste on the environment.