Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Nasyrov R.V. 1 Tiunov I.S. 1 Tiunov O.S. 2
1 Ufa State Aviation Technical University
2 National Research Technological University
In paper is revealed a trend of formation of medical computer-aided design direction. In the state standards is no section devoted to computer-aided design of biological objects, because these standards reflect the state of science and technology 80-ies of the last century.Modern development of computer technology allows us to apply the theory of traditional (technical) computer-aided design in the field of biology and medicine. In this article there is a classification of biological and medical CAD. For a comprehensive study and representation current state of this scientific and technical direction is designed the coordinate system of biological CAD as a Steinberg’s diagram.Are formulated the features of composition and structure of medical CAD systems.There is an example of a possible structure of medical CAD system. Describes the features of technical, mathematical, software, methodical, organizational, legal, ergonomic, information and linguistic support of medical CAD.