Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Nguyen K.Q. 1 Ivanov N.N. 1
1 Department of electronic computing machines
A challenge of information processing with remote resources exploiting is arose under the progress in information technologies. Web-services are used for message exchanges, they may be combined for realizing complex activity in a network. An optimization problem of a batch query compounding from available web-services is under consideration. Multi-objective optimization problem with restrictions on acyclic directed graph is formulated. Objective functions are aggregated into single monotonic increasing goal function. If this function is separable, then principle of dynamic programming holds true for optimal solution of the problem. Formulated optimization problem with constrains is solved with dynamic programming exploiting, corrections of services assignment are performed on each node in searching procedure. Heuristic algorithm for the problem solution is presented, complexity of the algorithm is pseudo linear. The algorithm was compared with dynamic programming method, experimental results are shown.