Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Nikitina L.G. 1
1 The Murom Institute (branch) of the Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs
The article discusses the thermal state of the motor spindle, a promising electromechanical drive main spindle machining centers. MSH, considered in the article, is a spindle head with built-in adjustable electric motor whose rotor is mounted on the spindle. The design of a prototype. Are the specifications of MSH. The sources of heat in the MSH. The dependencies of the changes in the electrical, magnetic, and mechanical losses, depending on the frequency of rotation of the spindle. The influence of heat sources on the formation of the temperature field and thermal deformation of the spindle, depending on the frequency of rotation of the spindle. The results of mathematical modeling of the thermal state of MSH in relation to the flow of air blown. Shows the values of linear thermal strains MSH for axial ventilation system.