Nikonova G.V. 1
1 Omsk State Technical University
A method for building devices that generate pulse and harmonic signals with controlled parameters within certain frequency span. Utilization of relative method of amplitude adjustment with lower performance in generation of output signal allows to discard error fractions from amplitude-frequency characteristic ripple and output unit mismatch. In this case output signal and its nominal level should be measured within one sectional plane of output unit. Amplitude-frequency error estimate in modern bridge mixers shows that any mixer can be reduced to equivalent one-diod circuit. The impact of the parameters of mixer components on stroboscopic sample-and-hold circuit sensibility is appraised. Mixer integrated circuit allows the reservoir capacitor to be fully charged because electric charge time constant is less than duration of select pulse. The impact of work conditions and mixer components on mixer parameters is appraised. Suggested generator of harmonic and pulse signals is based on stroboscopic sample-and-hold circuit and fulfils phase readout.