Pavlov N.V. 1
1 Sankt-Petersburg State Polytechnical University
The necessity of considering producer and consumer as a joined system is shown ass well as the importance of relations development between producer and consumer. This is especially important in nowadays dynamically changing Russian economic conditions. This will increase the quality of Russian products and hence – lead to development of Russian industry. The structure of computer aided lifecycle support software is shown. It is revealed that instrumentation for solving marketing tasks is not sufficiently integrated in it. The necessity of marketing functions intellectualization and especially – product management is discussed. Several approaches to this problem are considered: neural networks, classification trees, structural equations, restricted search algorithms, structural equations and expert systems. The perceptiveness of expert systems is shown for decision support in product management. Specific features of its implementation are discussed: matrix representation, fuzzy and not full information, subjective factor, interactivity, adaptability. Mechanisms are suggested that help to overcome the difficulties discussed. Results are confirmed by implementation of an expert system built according to the results discussed.