Panasenko M.V. 1
1 FGBOU VPO “Volgograd State Technical University” Kamyshin institute of technology (branch) of FGBOU VPO “Volgograd State Technical University”
The short analysis of various ways and devices of monitoring of climatic loads of wires and cables of air-lines is carried out. Now some devices partially or completely solving a problem of detection and recognition of types of deposits on wires and cables of air-lines of an electricity transmission are known. The main task of all devices is an increase of efficiency of measurements, weight of deposits at any weather conditions. The objective is solved that in the device for measurement of ice and wind loadings on the electricity transmission air-lines, containing the sensor of force suspended between a traversy support and a garland of insulators with a phase wire, the measuring device and the telecast channel. The sensors of a list fixed on a garland of insulators and on a body of a support, the sensor of temperature and poll controler are in addition entered. And as the channel of the telecast transferring and accepting radio modems, and as the measuring device – the computer are chosen. Thus sensors of force, a list and temperature are connected to entrances of the controler of poll which exit is connected to an entrance of a transferring radio modem, and the exit of an accepting radio modem electrically is connected with a computer entrance.