Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Pashkov E.N. 1 Martyushev N.V. 1 Kuznetsov I.V. 1
1 Tomsk Polytechnic University
In article the behavior of the liquid avtobalancing device is modelled. For carrying out mathematical researches the model of a rotor containing the tank holder, fixed on rigid to a shaft which has rotation possibility in bearings is used. Data on influence of various factors on balancing accuracy are provided. The received results of modeling say that the fluctuations amplitude on critical frequencies will be that less, than it is more parameters of the liquid autobalancing device. As the carried-out calculation shows that efficiency of automatic balancing by that is higher, than it is more parameters of the liquid avtobalancing device. Performance of a liquid sufficiency condition in a holder results in amplitude fluctuations independence of a liquid weight rotor in the tank. Critical rotor rotation frequency doesn’t depend on liquid volume in a holder at condition performance of its sufficiency.