Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Pen R.Z. 1 Karetnikova N.V. 1 Vshivkova I.A. 1 Pen V.R. 1
1 Siberian State University of Technology
Stems of wheat (Triticum sp.) delignificated with mixture of acetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, water (respectively 65 : 12 : 23 on weight) and sodium tungstate (concentration 0,0015 gmol/dm3); liquid module 6; temperature 80o C; isotherm cook’s duration 4,5 h. Characteristics of peroxide cellulose fibers from straw (the characteristics of sulfate cellulose fibers from the same raw material put in brackets) are studied by using L&W Fiber Tester: ): the number of fibers in the 1 g 20.0×103 (20.1×103); weight mean length 1.34 (1.22) mm; arithmetic mean length 0.577 (0.509) mm, weight mean width 19.3 (17.8) µm; arithmetic weight mean width 17.8 (16.8) µm; wall thickness 1.65 (1.65) μm; shape factor 90.7 (86.3) %. On these properties the straw pulp fibers like to libriform fibers of hardwood – birch and aspen. Peroxide pulp and sulfate pulp are beaten to 30о SR. Morphological characteristics of fibers (length, width, number of breaks, coarseness, shape factor), strength and deformation properties of paper castings (breaking length, flexural rigidity, modulus of elasticity) were determinated. Peroxide pulp is less degraded during the beat process and doesn´t concede to sulfate pulp along the fundamental and technological properties. Under identical mechanical stress straw peroxide pulp’s sheet is less deformed than sulphate pulp’s sheet.