Platonov A.A. 1
Platonova M.A. 1
Kiseleva N.N. 1
1 Moscow State University of Railway Engineering
Substantiates the necessity the introduction of modern and advanced means of transport current maintenance of railway track. The examples of existing outlook vehicles combined (road and rail) speed, allowing for accommodation and transportation of equipment and power tools, and used to carry workers belonging to the maintenance crews at work they work on current maintenance and repair of various types of railway. Is the definition of vehicles in the combined speed. Identified a variety of domestic and foreign companies engaged in the production vehicles of the combined speed. Is the definition of vehicles for road repairs. Established advantages and disadvantages of vehicles for road repairs on a combined move made on the basis of KamAZ and GAZ, shows their brief technical and operational characteristics of the equipment, as well as the appointment. Identified design features combined speed vehicles for road repairs. The conclusion about the feasibility of such a direction of railway equipment.