Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Popova O.B. 1 Popov B.K. 1 Kluchko V.I. 1
1 FGBOU VPO “Kuban State Technological University”
It has been proved that it is necessary to identify the general provisions when getting the root of the binary tree of questions and answers by the existing classification of knowledge representation. These rules will help you select the criteria that will be incorporated into questions and in the process of solving will be delete an unsuitable knowledge from the given area of knowledge. At first was decided to formulate the rules for getting the root of the binary tree of questions and answers. This is necessary in order to then develop and to formulate the rules for getting other elements of the tree of questions and answers. This is possible because in a binary tree, all the elements have a similar structure and the rules for constructing. Were obtained and investigated ratio of the volume of scientific tasks of an object research with knowledge from the area of knowledge, the applicable to the object of research. They have been checked by an example. An object of the research was optimization problems, the area of knowledge - optimization methods, the sought knowledge - optimization method. These rules allowed receiving the program-guide «Optimel», which subsequently could be the question-answer system.