Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Potylicyna E.N. 1 Lipinskiy L.V. 1 Sugak E.V. 1
1 Siberian State Aerospace University
The possibility of using artificial neural networks to evaluate and predict the state of health of a large industrial city is considered. This method enables to develop the high efficiency information computer system for forecasting and analysis of the disease incidence with changing in any factors that influence the health of the population, allows to receive dependence, reflecting the typical of the system of cause and effect relationships between indicators of environmental pollution and indicators of the health of the population automatically, according to the available statistical databases to monitor emissions and concentrations of pollutants and the health of the region’s population. Analysis of the results shows high accuracy of forward-looking estimates and effectiveness of the proposed method. The proposed method of risk analysis can provide objective quantitative information about the degree of danger of the current or projected production facility, to identify areas and areas where the risk level exceeds the allowable values for the adoption of measures to reduce it, and ensure regulatory security of the production staff and the public.