Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Prikhodkov K.B. 1 Bastrakov A.M. 1 Savkin A.N. 1 Avdeuk O.A. 1 Krokhalev A.V. 1
1 Volgograd State Technical University
The determining of the laminar burning velocity of gaseous fuels in experimental setup is described. The techniques of preparation of hydrogen-air mixture, the experiment and how to determine the laminar burning velocity are described. The laminar burning velocity of hydrogen-air mixture compare with some other gaseous versus air-fuel ratio has been obtained. The installation was assembled at the Volgograd State Technical University at the Department of Thermal Engineering and hydraulics. Studies have shown that hydrogen has significant promise as a motor fuel due to its properties. At the same time, the use of hydrogen possible obstacle may be non-identity of the rate of combustion of hydrogen at high excess air ratio.