Razumnikov S.V. 1
1 ЮТИ ТПУ «Yurga Technological Institute (branch) of National research Tomsk Polytechnic University»
The subject of cloud computing becomes more popular in the IT market. The obligatory requirement at introduction of any IT project is its economic justification. In case of cloudy IT services it is especially actual as risks are more large-scale. In this article classification and the analysis of existing methods of an assessment of efficiency of information technologies about their application for an assessment of cloudy IT services is carried out. The review of features of each technique is made, their merits and demerits are revealed. Specifics of cloud computing is considered and the problem of an assessment of efficiency of application of such IT services is formulated. After the analysed shortcomings of existing models and methods need to carrying out further researches on development and specification of methods is revealed according to economic efficiency and risks from introduction of IT projects, in particular the cloudy IT services possessing the features, different from other IT projects.