Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Rozanova E.A. 1 Moskalenko N.G. 2 Nomokonova N.N. 1
1 Vladivostok State University of Economy and Service (VSUES)
2 Amur State University (ASU)
An important component of sports equipment for extreme kinds of sports, such as mountain climbing is clothes, which, as a means of protection must satisfy the conditions of operation and requirements and offset the impact of external and internal factors to ensure high and stable performance of an athlete and his organism as a whole. The problem today is that the requirements to clothes for mountaineers not installed. In this regard, it was necessary to develop special requirements, based on the existing requirements to special and sportswear. The aim of this work is the development of the structure of properties clothes for climbers, corresponding to the required level of quality indicators at the stages of design work that contributes to the choice of an optimum design solution products. For the formation of the requirements of the quality indices was performed the analysis of operating conditions, the peculiarities of running techniques of mountaineering and an assortment of sportswear. As a result of research developed a four-level structure of indicators of quality, which enables a specific selection of a design decision clothes for extreme sports.