Rudakovskaya G.A. 1
1 Penza state university
The article considers the system of development of the organization on the basis of regional competition in the field of quality. Describe the model of the composition and the structural scheme of the system. Suggests ways of improving the competition. The task is the statistical analysis of the materials of the competition. Now awards in the field of quality were beyond usual competitions and are considered as the instrument of management and organization improvement. Quality awards — it is models of improvement of business which allow heads to structure and systematize work in the organization and to begin improvement process. Many organizations on the basis of models of awards of quality build strategy of management of the organizations, aimed at continuous improvement of business. In the Penza region the vast experience of the organization and carrying out the regional competition “For the award of the prize of the Governor of the Penza region for the quality management “ is stored. Competition represents three-level model, at the heart of which requirements of the GOST R ISO standards of a series 9000. In article the model of structure and the block diagram of «Competition — the Organizations» system is described. The option of improvement of competition by application of expert estimation not only in the preliminary analysis of self-assessments according to documents, and definition “on places” is offered to extent of confirmation of self-assessments in the organizations, but also in work on the analysis of efficiency and productivity of a subsystem “Competition”. Development of actions on improvement of a subsystem is offered to be carried out also to experts that will provide the coordinated functioning of the direct and return channel of system. The task of the statistical analysis of materials of competition for further realization of possibility of competition is set.