Sauts A.V. 1
1 Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Construction”
The work deals with the processes of numerical modeling of dispersion of biogas from landfills, with account of the influence of their location, geometric characteristics, as well as the adjacent building. Simulation is based on solving a system of Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible medium, the equation of turbulent diffusion. The additional turbulent viscosity, caused by the formation of vortices in the flow of the landfills, buildings and works is accounted for using the model Smagorinsky. A comparison of the results of calculations by the proposed model with the results of the assessment procedure OND-86 and measured concentrations of the components of biogas at landfill and on “Centralny” Volgograd region. The results can be used for the assessment of the pollution of the atmospheric air in the area of location of landfills; in the choice of locations for future landfills; the justification of the size of the sanitary protection zones of landfills; for reclamation and evaluation of the effectiveness of measures on reduction of atmospheric air pollution biogas (utilization of biogas, selection of the optimal location and characteristics gas drainage wells, etc.).