Sayapin I.V. 1
Velikanov A.V. 1
1 FGKVOU VPO “Military educational scientific center of Military and air forces “Military and air academy of a name of professor N. E. Zhukovskogo and Yu. A. Gagarin” (Voronezh)”
The analysis of modern terrestrial specific aviation engineering, and identified its main weaknesses. The goal of the development of the system of means of ground handling of aircraft, and their influence on the increase of combat readiness of aircraft parts. Consider the role of tow-boats aircraft in the General system of preparatory funds aviation complex allowing for the use of aircraft tugs in different weather conditions. Analysis of the results of studies of domestic and foreign scientists and formulates the main directions of increase of efficiency of use of tow-boats aircraft. The design of airfield towing system equipped starting device. The method of regulation of the initial speed of movement of aircraft. Sound economic performance of the device. Describes the technique of realization of process of the towing aircraft, using a towing equipped starting device. The methodology to assess the effectiveness of the use of the brake pads to increase traction capabilities of the aerodrome wheeled actors ractors.