Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Sergeev N.E. 1 Tselykh A.A. 1
1 Southern Federal University
Authors have analyzed the usage of knowledge in such at first glance different areas as knowledge management in a corporate sector, as well as information retrieval systems and decision support systems. The obtained results revealed the necessity to create shared model of knowledge representation that will be adequate for all the three knowledge areas. In the contemporary world, knowledge is social in the sense of its distribution between human beings engaged in social relations and in the sense of understanding that modern problems in these areas could be solved only be means of social interaction. The suggested model of the socio-semantic network is based on a graph-hypergraph paradigm with an assumption that there are relations not only between nodes in the form of edges, but also between groups of nodes, edges and nodes as well as between edges themselves. This approach depicts more adequately social character of knowledge. The suggested model does not exclude accentuation of transformation processes for knowledge management and knowledge-based indexing in information retrieval systems as well as usage of frames, production and semantic networks for decision support systems.