Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Sergeev V.A. 1 Sergeeva Y.F. 1 Gallyamova N.R. 1
1 Ural federal university of a name of the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
Laboratory studies of the cathodic process of lead electrowinning from fosfonate electrolyte at a special electrochemical cell connected to a personal computer with a software package, obtained after purification of solutions from the leaching of fine dust of copper production are performed. The method of take the potentiodynamic curves defined by the sweep speed potential- 10 mV / s, the optimum pH- pH = 10, temperature of 25 ° C and composition 40 g/dm3 of the electrolyte. The values of activation energy, confirming the nature of the concentration polarization process are obtained.The temperature dependence of the electroreduction of lead can calculate the activation energy process, the value of which confirms the hypothesis about the nature of polarization is almost entirely concentration. For the considered concentrations of the activation energy is in the range from 9.3 kJ / mol (for 40 g/dm3) to 15.53 kJ / mol (1 g/dm3). This is typical of the concentration polarization, and the activation energy does not depend on the capacity.