Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Skrypnikov A.V. 1 Kondrashova E.V. 1 Skvortcova T.V. 1 Tokarev D.E. 1 Lobanov Y.V. 1
1 Voronezh State Agrarian University after Emperor Peter the Great
The article describes one of the major problems in the mechanization of agriculture - increasing power tractors and their efficiency in existing and processes. The solution to this problem based on complex studies with the assessment of technical and economic parameters, operating modes, reliability and effectiveness of different models of tractors equal energy saturation. In the experiment assessing the impact on the transport capacity of the engine performance produced at the site to ensure the stability conditions and the experimental procedure. The authors found that at equal loads voyage load torque transmission in general, the flight is about the same, the transmission load on gear tractors increased energy saturation increases according to the degree of boosting their engines, torque.