Sokolov S.S. 1
1 FPBEU HPE «Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping»
In article the main aspects of carrying out automation of primary activities in the transport sphere are considered: information and technological aspect; standard and legal aspect; organizational and administrative aspect. Due to special attention of the Government and the President of the Russian Federation to development of transport, need of high-quality integration into the international transport space within the entry of Russia into the World Trade Organization, to the forefront there is a solution of the questions connected with standardization of standard operations, unification of tools of activity and optimization of resources. Automation of primary activities is urged to resolve these issues. Unity of approaches at automation and successful integration of the business processes happening on transport objects will allow to reach creation of the uniform integrated information and communication space of functioning of transport objects which structurally represents a set of objects: kernel, common network services, all-system services, the applied services (AS) (which in turn can share on various levels, according to extent of practical interaction of users with them).