Trishkin I.B. 1
Strazhev N.P. 1
1 Ryazan State Agrotechnological University Named After P.A. Kostychev
We have conducted analysis of energy-intensive mechanized operations possibility while using mobile power equipment with diesel internal combustion engines in industrial and agricultural areas with a limited amount of air (livestock farms , greenhouses, shops, etc.). In the course of its operation the content of exhaust gas (EG) toxic substances (TS) in the air of the buildings increases and several times exceeds the maximum allowable concentration. We have found out that one of the main EGTS from diesel engines is soot determining smokiness and having adverse health effect and livestock productivity, etc. We have proposed a design of the electric soot filter (RF patents for utility model № 56964, 56965, 59153). We have also presented the the block diagram of diesel engine D-21 laboratory testing at domestic tractors of 6kN drawbar category. Tests have shown that the maximum degree of engine exhaust purification from soot reaches 45%, while reducing the noise level by 20% as compared with the standard exhaust system.