Turalina N.V. 1
Fisochenko O.N. 1
1 UTI TPU «Yurginsky institute of technology (branch) of National research Tomsk Polytechnik University)»
Article is devoted to development of intellectual information Test expert system for testing of students, in the environment of programming 1C the enterprise 8.2. This intellectual information system is developed for testing of students in various problems of educational activity. Universality of the software product does it useful not only for teachers, but also in any field of activity. In article the structure of the developed information Test Expert system, for testing of students is described. In a basis of algorithm realized in information system Bayes’s theorem lies. Further the algorithm of calculation of probabilities of hypotheses can be complicated by development of new blocks of test system and expansion of quantity of versions of answers when testing. Also opportunity, additions of this intellectual information system with questions with pictures and drawings is considered.