Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Fedotov A.I. 1 Shamsutdinov E.V. 1
1 The research center of power engineering problems of institution the Russian academy of sciences the Kazan scientific centre RAS
The paper presents algorithm of calculation and system design hydrotransport coal-water slurry. The most cost-effective, taking into account transportation costs and availability, the operation of small or mini thermal power plants will still be the use of solid fossil fuels, including coal-water slurry. Components of the developed algorithm are blocks of the analysis the chosen object and definition basic data; making decision on construction or modernization of existing object; a choice from existing classification of ways the concrete scheme of preparation, transportation, storage and preparation for burning; development of the plan of placement system a hydro transport fuel in the object territory taking into account a site of tanks of storage and the route; hydraulic calculation main and internal пульпопроводов; thermal calculation; selection and calculation of the necessary equipment and site of heating suspension; an assessment of expenses energy on operation of system and technical and economic calculation system. The presented algorithm of calculation and design technological schemes of pipeline transport suspensions provides measures to improve the stability of the suspension performance, will evaluate the effectiveness of developing a scheme with the hydrodynamic characteristics of motion of the suspension, and the opportunity for assessment of technological capabilities of domestic equipment.