Fisochenko O.H. 1
Liahova E.A. 1
1 UTI TPU «Yurginsky institute of technology (branch) of National research Tomsk Polytechnik University)»
This article is devoted to creation of mathematical model for selection of the entrants, inclined to study in the Applied Informatics direction. The feature set on which we estimated the capable students, inclined to be trained on the technical specialties connected with information technologies, from a feature set of the test techniques chosen by us was picked up. The mathematical model on selection of the students, inclined to study in the Applied Informatics direction was constructed. Results of the conducted research allow to claim that the combination of the methods presented in article and techniques is perspective for the solution of problems on selection of the entrants, inclined to master the specialties connected with IT technologies. The results received during this research, are the first stage in work on development of algorithm of decision-making on selection of the entrants, inclined to study in the Applied Informatics direction.