Fokin S.V. 1
Bereznikov S.V. 1
1 FGBOU VPO «Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I Vavilov» Saratov
The methods for studying the process of cutting of forest residues disk chipper equipped with different types of knives. In drawing up the research methodology provides for a general approach to the construction of mathematical models of processed wood into wood chips and for the calculation and optimization of the forces and moments of the cutting forces. In developing the technique cutting process is regarded as rotational movement of the cutting element (blade) of a given geometric configuration to the resistance forces in the given continuous medium. The article raises the problem of mathematical modeling of wood cutting knife new design for equipping the chipper disc type and the comparative analysis of his work with a traditional knife for chopping wood. The calculations must be received by the mathematical model describing the process of cutting of forest residues.