Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Chastikov A.P. 1 Totukhov K.E. 1 Urvachev P.M. 1
1 Kuban State Technological University
There is explained why the task of intellectualization of the system, which is being created for computer simulation of robot, is topical. The mathematical dependencies describing the theoretical base of the virtual object of managing are presented. It is pointed, how this theoretic basis is significant for the intellectual system, which is being created for analysis of the virtual robot’s operation. The aspects, emerging at switching to the practical researching of robotized processes, are analyzed. The cycle of robot’s operation, which has been chosen as an example, is described. The features and parameters of the selected cycle are transformed in the condition, available for the representation of that data as production system. There was created the inference tree, which describes the process of intellectual analysis of the chosen cycle in time. The most important positions of the tree are determined and described. The key facts and rules of the expert system, which is being created, are described selectively. There is obtained all the necessary data for creation of the proper expert system of analysis of the virtual robot’s operation. There are proposed recommendations for program implementation of the discussed expert system with forward chaining on high-level programming language.