Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Cherepanov V.V. 1 Basmanov V. G. 1 Bakshaeva N.S. 1 Ojegov A.N. 1 Kalinina E.A. 1
1 Federal State budget institution of higher education “Vyatka State University”
This article is devoted to research of influence of rapidly alternating load of parameters of quality of the electric power. During the operation of electroreceivers with “distorting” loading there are active losses in a network. There are some ways of decrease in arising losses. In this article the way of decrease in losses by means of compensation is considered. At rapidly alternating loading necessary to apply longitudinal compensation. On the basis of the obtained data the program, allowing to determine parameters of fluctuation of tension and to count reduction of losses of the electric power from application of longitudinal compensation was written. The program allows to determine parameters of fluctuation of tension in a settlement point in several modes. The first mode – on the basis of the carried-out measurements and settlement model. The second mode – connection of one or several additional elektropri-emnik with “distorting” loading. The third mode – when using devices of longitudinal compensation.