Chernov A.V. 1
Sergeeva E.A. 2
1 Rostov State Building University
2 Rostov State Transport University
This paper proposes a method for determining the fault type “constant 0” and “constant 1” in digital combinational circuits. The approach to the testing of digital combinational circuits based on the calculation of the test syndrome for logic functions is detailed. Advantages and disadvantages of the approach associated with syndrome testing are marked. The necessary mathematical expressions test syndrome, as well as a recursive procedure of its calculation are considered. A Walsh transform with Hadamard matrix for the spectral representation of Boolean functions is determined. An example of calculation of Walsh transform with Hadamard matrix for a particular Boolean functionhas been done. The relation between the spectral transformation and test syndrome is detailed. An expression for the calculation of the test syndrome spectral coefficients is given. An example that allows the test to identify deficiencies syndromehas been done. A method of making the test vectors, using the properties of the autocorrelation function of a Boolean function is developed. In the autocorrelation test is proven the statement, applicable to test the class of faults in digital combinational circuits.