Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Shangaraeva L.A. 1 Petukhov A.V. 1
1 National mineral resources university «Mining»
The accumulation of scale in the process of development and exploration of oil is complicated and multifactorial process that most actively manifested in the later stages of development, when water cut in production wells increase. Scale leads to lower productivity of wells, premature failure of the downhole equipment, unscheduled current and costly capital repairs of wells and, as a consequence, significant deterioration of economic indicators of oil and gas production enterprises. It is necessary to study the dynamics of the composition of way-produced waters for monitoring and prediction of scale in the downhole equipment. The proposed method is based on committing changes to the controlled parameters of the way-produced water, including the content of ions of barium, changes in density and salinity, with mandatory sampling on the analysis of the composition of suspended solid particles unlike traditional monitoring.