Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Shestakov I.Y. 1 Raeva O.V. 1 Nikiforova E.M. 1 Eromasov R.G. 1
1 Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education
At present there are many different methods to clean water and water solutions - mechanical, chemical, electrical, physical, biological, combined, etc. To clean water from iron settling is used rather effectively. Electric coagulation, ion-exchange technology, biological treatment, etc. are widely applied to clean water from copper, nickel, chromium (VI). Studies of water cleaning from all these ions present in small concentrations are practically not available. The article presents the results of experimental studies of water cleaning from metal ions by settling, coagulation, electrochemical and combined methods. In addition the comparative assessment of cleaning degree is given. The highest degree of water cleaning from ions of all considered in this article metals is achieved by combined method. It includes passing asymmetric alternating current through treated water using insoluble dissimilar electrodes, introduction of coagulant ferrous sulfate (FeSO4·7H2O) in ratio 2.5:1 to initial concentrations of ion-complex formation agent and removed ions followed by water settling during 10 days. The degree of water cleaning shows good results: from ions of nickel – 37.37%, cadmium – 73.1%, chromium – 91.41%, copper – 99.14% and iron – 99.71%. Specific power consumption is W = 0.34 (kW·h)/m3. In case cleaning is performed by electrochemical method employing insoluble electrodes and alternating current, specific power consumption is 1.5-2 (kW·h)/m3.