Shirina N.V. 1
Kononova О.Y. 2
1 Belgorod State Agricultural Academy name after V. Gorina
2 «Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov»
For the implementation of town-planning measure to improve the efficiency of the ecological environment of Belgorod by reducing pollution emissions of vehicles on the urban environment is proposed and justified. A project to reduce the negative impact of parking for Belgorod using vertical garden is developed. The selection and adjustment of planting material in the Russian climate, taking into account the guidelines on the application of woody and shrub species of the plants, used in landscaping of the city of Moscow, Recommendations on arrangement of vertical gardening on the territory of the city of Belgorod and taking into account the experience of the European countries were carried out. Also, the ways of planting, care, construction of vertical garden are offered. The study made it possible to recommend innovative technology for vertical gardening (on the example of parking) and offer them to the local authorities for further introduction and use in gardening in the city of Belgorod in the framework of the city development Strategy till 2025.