Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Yuganova N.A. 1 Sankin Y.N. 2
1 Ulyanovsk Stat PedagogicalPositive pedagogical University
2 Ulyanovsk State Technical University
Frequency method is proposed for solving the problem of transient oscillations rod systems with or without energy dissipation in a collision with an obstacle. Dynamic equation of the linear visco- elastic system Laplace transforms in the presence of non-zero initial conditions. We solve the boundary value problem , which consists in finding the Laplace transformed boundary longitudinal force as a function of boundary movements . Then is a system of equilibrium equations of nodes which are constructed by solving the phase - amplitude- frequencycharacteristics ( AFCHH ) for interested sections of the rod system . Carrying out the inverse Laplace transform , construct the transition process.  The proposed method of dynamic analysis of a core systems in a collision with an obstacle can be generalized to an arbitrary rod system with unlimited number of elastically attached masses for arbitrary force action , applied in arbitrary sections.