Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Ablyaz T.R. 1 Ivanov V.A. 1
1 Perm national research polytechnic university
In this paper, a study of the process of wire- EDM machining carved pieces packaged complex profile. Aim is to study the process of electrical discharge machining workpieces packaged and development of technology provides a stable cutting process and specified accuracies. The experimental equipment is selected wire- EDM machine engraved EcoCut. The electrode tool selected brand BercoCut brass wire diameter of 0.25 mm. As the working fluid used pure distilled water. Chosen for the experiment of steel billet in accordance with GOST 4543-71 40X. The work examined the process of cutting the curved surface of the packaged items stator. Accuracy of linear and diametrical sizes given to grade 7. During the work were established range of operating modes and design features built package providing specified accuracies. Calculated correction necessary for inclusion in the pilot program for machining a workpiece with a given accuracy