Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Technical science
ISSN 2500-0799
ПИ №ФС77-57440


Ablyaz T.R,.Vasilyeva A.A. 1 1
1 Perm national research polytechnic university
In this paper we studied the influence of measurement strategy in controlling the length of the body part on the accuracy of measurements. On the leading machine-building enterprises of Perm Krai widely used coordinate measuring machines. This equipment allows to optimize process control, the ability to fully automate the implementation phase as coordinate measurement method, and the step of processing the results of these measurements. Most often the process is carried out by measuring the scan. Trajectory of the measuring head and the curve is a result of the control measures several hundred points. This method is the most accurate measurement of contact methods, but increases with increasing time points of control. Measurements were performed in contact mode. Measurements were carried out on Contura G2 CMM by Carl Zeiss measuring system RDS. During the specification of optimal control strategy over time, allowing high-precision measurement process to carry out.