Anikanova T.V. 1
Rakhimbaev S.M. 1
Kaftaeva M.V. 1
1 Belgorod State Technological University named after V. Shukhov
The necessity of energy efficiency products for the manufacture of external fencing structures by changing the location of voids and improvement of the structure. Calculations of the dependence of the conductivity from the voidness of materials with respect to the direction of heat flow. Noted the impact of the thermal boundary layer on the thermal conductivity and porous hollow wall materials. When calculating the thermal conductivity coefficient of hollow porous wall materials, in operation at temperatures from -20 C to +40 degrees more attention should be paid to heat transfer, thermal boundary layer than convective constituent. It is shown that void materials will have the best heat-insulating effect at the location of voids perpendicular to the heat flow. So we materials with voidness from 30 to 60% effective thermal conductivity coefficient is significantly lower than when the arrangement of voids perpendicular to the direction of heat flow. The location of voids are based on calculations will significantly improve heat resistance of hollow core wall enclosing structures