Balakhnin I.A. 1
1 Nizhny Novgorod state technical university named R.E. Alekseeva
Experimental studies of the dimensions of air core in a cylindroconical hydrocyclone were performed. Numerical dependences for calculation of the diameter of an air core in the various sections of the apparatus were derived. Studies were conducted on a transparent cylindroconical hydrocyclones, made of рlexiglas. The diameters of the cylindrical housings of the devices was 75 and 80 mm. Sets of replaceable parts of the apparatus was used. The experiments were carried out at pressures of water at the entrance to the hydrocyclones from 0.025 to 0.3 MPa. The research was based on the method of recording a video of an air core inside the transparent hydrocyclone under pulsed illumination and subsequent computer processing of the received frames. Analysis of frames with a picture of an air core was carried out in a graphics editor. The experimental data allowed us to obtain formulas not only within the cylindrical housing, but also in the discharge outlet of the hydrocyclone. The dependencies are checked at a wide range of constructive and regime parameters and showed a good degree of accuracy.